I 1.weight.
2. importance, meaning, value.
3. ponderous.
4. deliberate, steady, calm and firm, grave.
5. meaningful, important.

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II 1.to place: to put [into a container]; to stick [a needle]; to insert [a key in the lock]; to put [a hand in a pocket], to add [salt to a dish]; to load [bullets into a weapon].
2. to set in place: to mount [a stone on a ring], to open [a road]; to set up [a school]; to build [a bridge]; to install [an appliance]; to throw [a shadow]; to hang [on the wall]; to set [a picture in a frame]; to prepare [bedding]; to set [a tablecloth].
3. to fix: to set [a tooth], to arrange [hair].
4. to dispose of: to mail [a letter]; to distribute [food to the animals]; to throw [into the fire]; to take off [shoes].
5. to make available: to serve [food, drinks], to offer [cigarettes].
6. (ـ قا/غا/كە/گە ) to apply [something] to: to cut [with a knife], to till [with a plough]; to shave [with a razor]; to measure [with a yardstick]; to beat [with a stick].
7. to expose to a source of heat: to roast [kabobs], to sun dry [fruit], to boil [noodles].
8. to direct: to herd [animals to a pasture]; to rein [a horse toward a town]; to escort [a prisoner].
9. (ـ قا/غا/كە/گە ) to entrust, to ask for advice, to submit to.
10. to condition: to set [words to music]; to bring [traffic into order]; to put [a factory in production]; to set [a heart on fire]. 11.to set against [each other].
12. (ـ قا/غا/كە/گە ) to be the cause of: to cause [a fight], to throw [into grief].
13. to bring : to cause [losses to someone]; to put [someone on the train]; to take [a horse to the race]; to lead [soldiers into battle]; to bring back [something to memory].
14. to bring forth: to lay [eggs].
15. to force: to impose [taxes]; to institute [compulsory labour].
16. to hire [a worker].
17. to throb, to beat (heart, pulse).
18. (ـ ىپ/اپ/ەپ/ۇپ/ۈپ ) cannot help [doing], to start suddenly [to do], to [do] unexpectedly (indicates the unplanned, unexpected, uncontrolable nature of the action).
19. (with a noun or verb in coverbial or infinitive form + ـ قا/غا/كە/گە ) to pretend to, to feign.

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